Gift-Ecology is a term that represents an approach for people to engage with one another in which any value offered by a giver is done so in the spirit of gifting without a specific, must-pay price. The receiver is invited to cultivate gratitude for the value received and is encouraged to be generous in offering his or her own value as a gift either to the giver or to anyone else.
Without associating a money-value (price) to one’s offering, the giver is free to fully focus on everything that affects the quality of the value offered and the needs of its receiver. Without a specific price to consider, the receiver of a gift is free to appraise and appreciate the gift and the service-intent of the giver.
Depending on the ability and constraints of the giver and the receiver, a gift-ecology approach can be embraced in multiple ways without compromising its essence: and its associates and affiliates pledge to offer any products and services through any one or more of the gift-ecology based approaches mentioned above.